Breeders of Pure Spanish Horses Since 1985
Our Ranch
Rancho Andalucia is located in the heart of "Horse Country, USA" between Aubrey and Pilot Point, Texas, about 45 miles from DFW International Airport. The soil is a fertile sandy loam, which has attracted many major horse breeding ranches to the small area over the past decades. It is ideal because of all the horses in the area; there is a concentration of horse related businesses around us. We have two horse surgeons within five minutes of the ranch, including one equine reproductive specialist within half a mile, and numerous general equine veterinarians. Other horse-oriented businesses include tack shops, trailer sales, etc.
We believe in raising our horses in a horse friendly environment. Our ranch layout was completely designed by us when we bought the 32 acres of all coastal grass, half of which harbors about 400 pecan trees. We allow each stallion the freedom of their own pasture; our stallion barn has individual runs that open into large separate pastures. This way, they can exercise to their hearts' content, socialize, and their favorite, graze! We have several pastures to rotate our young horses and mares in. Sometimes our mares run in pastures adjacent to the stallions, with no problems what so ever. All horses have access to shelter from heat and cold, and clean, fresh water. We nourish our horses on a diet of oats, including vitamin, mineral, and protein supplements twice a day, according to each individual's needs and age, beginning within the 1st week after birth. We harvest our own hay from our pastures, fertilized according to recommendations based on soil analyses. All horses are wormed regularly starting at about 3 months of age, then periodically every 4 weeks until they are about a year old, afterwards, about every 6-8 weeks. All horses are vaccinated and seen by a farrier on a regular basis, which is especially important in young animals to avoid problems later in life.
Our Vision
It is our intention to breed Andalusians, a.k.a. PRE (Pura Raza Espanola) horses, of the oldest and purest Carthusian lineage. I have been involved with and owned Spanish horses since 1985. My husband Dieter and I have visited many breeding farms worldwide, mostly in the PRE mecca of Spain, and also in Germany. We have visited with the breeders, studied their horses & breeding programs, discussed their ideals, visions, and passions, and gained invaluable, in depth knowledge of the Spanish horse, establishing friendships with many of the breeders, as one who is infected with this passion loves nothing more than to share it with another victim. It is this passion that drove us from one end of Spain to the other, many times over, in search of the perfect horses for our foundation stock. After many trips to Spain, we finally purchased one stallion and two mares from very distinguished breeders that shared our desire for old lineage, beauty, exceptional movement, and gentle temperament.