Imperiosa PRO
Born: April 18, 2007
Jorongo MOR x Euforica P
Lebrijana PRO
Born: May 28, 2010
Romerito II x Euforica P
Macarena PRO
Born: May 23, 2011
Romerito II x Euforica P
Luminosa PRO
Born: March 19 th , 2010
Romerito II x Bailadora HGA
Matador PRO
Born: April 2 nd , 2011
Romerito II x Bailadora HGA
Genetic Code: ggEeaaccppchchzz
Registered as Negro in the LG ANCCE
Genetic Code: ggeeAaCRCRppchchzz
Registered in the LG ANCCE as Cremello
Filomena P
Santiago x Elegante Cielita
Garbosa PRO
Born: April 29, 2005
Urgel III x Elegante Cielita
Honrato PRO
Born: April 28, 2006
Urgel III x Elegante Cielita
Impetuosa PRO
Born: April 20, 2007
Urgel III x Elegante Cielita
Justiciero PRO
Born: May 8, 2008
Urgel II x Elegante Cielita
Bred by the famous Yeguada Vinyet in Spain, out of qualificado bloodlines, Lebrijana is a sight to behold. She has everything you could possibly ask for in a PRE mare. Besides being a dilute mare (buckskin), she is beautiful beyond words, the biggest brown eyes you could wish for combined with a pretty face, correct conformation, 16.3 hands, and yes, MOVEMENT to die for. She is the sweetest mare, definitely not on top of the pecking order, but very easy going and a dream to be around. She is an amazing mother, and her first born colt for us, Ulises PRO, imported in utero from Spain, out of the now deceased isabello stallion Perales IV (he suffered a tragic breeding accident early summer 2019, and had to be put down) is a dream come true.
She has passed on her fantastic temperament, great conformation, and movement. We are retaining Ulises PRO (cream/pearl) as a future breeding/dressage stallion, for our own breeding program. The bloodlines are rare and now even more desirable in the US, no Paco Marti in a colored mare and Ulises PRO (last photo).
Happiness for us is to see her in our small herd and patiently awaiting her next baby. She was bred to our multiple National, Regional and National Reserve stallion, Jalisco Dominante for a 2020 foal. This foal has a 50/50 percent chance of being buckskin, tall, and a mover. Will be available for purchase to the discriminating buyer if a colt, may decide to keep if a filly for our own breeding program.
Florencia P
Born: July 15th, 2004
General X Franqueada I
Gibraltar PRO
Born: June 14th, 2005
Urgel III X Franqueada I
Verbenera is a one of a kind, all in a class of her own, and bred by Bautista Vich, S.L., in Spain. We imported her from Spain, originally intending to sell her, as she had the best pedigree one could dream of, but she was “not my type”. Something made us hold on to her. Dieter was totally mesmerized with her movement. FEI quality for sure. Such a phenomenal mare, yet at revision, he would not even canter, tried to jump out of the round pen, it was a disaster. I was afraid she would not get revised. We watched her grow, and it was not until she was 6 years old, that she had finally blossomed into the beautiful swan.
I often thought I should take her back to revision to show her off as she is now. She stands 16.1, has amazing movement, is definitely one of our best horses, and has such a great mind. She is a very good mother and has produced one filly for us. We are proud to own a mare of such quality. Her pedigree is second to none. Her sire, Juglar, is qualified and recommended young breeding stock (calificado and joven reproductor recomendado). Her grandfather on the father’s side is Omni, also qualified (calificado), and grandmother is Armas Peineta, qualified (calificado). Her dam, Zeida, is a daughter of Evento, who is one of only a handful of stallions worldwide to hold the most prestigious title of Elite in the Spanish LGANCCE (Spanish studbook) and competing in the Olympics.
Besides being Elite, Evento is also qualified and Best breeding stock recommended (calificado, reproductor Elite, reproductor Mejorante). Evento is a son of Leviton, who is a legendary Military stallion. The mother’s line is mostly Yeguada Militar (Spanish Military Stud Farm). Sadly, on June 16th, 2023, only 2 days after her 6th birthday, she had to be euthanized due to an injury that became infected. We tried everything to same her, she had surgery and several procedures after that, but the infection in her tendon sheath had damaged the tendon, and she was in so much pain, that the only option left was to set her free from her pain. She left behind Ytasca PRO, a bay filly, which now carries on the legacy of Verbenera at our farm.
Genetic Code: ggeeAaCRCRppchchzz
Registered in the LG ANCCE as Cremello
Duquesa is imported from Spain, and when we first saw just a few photos of this mare as a yearling, we knew we wanted her in our breeding program. Her beauty is legendary, and combined with movement that blew us away, she was the whole package we were looking for in a double dilute brood mare. My eyes water up with pride when I look at her. Imported at 1.5 years old, she has matured into the stunning mare we envisioned. She is tall, beautiful, and a movement machine, with a loving temperament that makes her so special. She loves her humans.
She will be bred at 4 years old for the first time, we believe in allowing our young mares to mature before breeding them. Sire is yet to be determined, and will be chosen very carefully according to our strict requirements.
Hercules PRO
Born 6-2-06
Urgel III x Adams Acres Genevieve
Jacques PRO
Born 3-14-2008
Urgel III x Adams Acre Genevieve
Atlantico P Born: May 30, 1999
Zingaro III X Curiosa XXII
Bucephalos P Born: May 2, 2000
Urgel III X Curiosa XXII
Castillo P Born: July 16, 2001
Urgel III X Curiosa XXII
Descarado P Born: July 14, 2002
Urgel III X Curiosa XXII
Embustera P Born: June 3, 2003
Urgel III X Curiosa XXII
Flamenquita P Born: Sept. 1, 2004
Urgel III X Curiosa XXII
Gladiador PRO Born: August 15, 2005
Urgel III X Curiosa XXIIO
Duquesa is imported from Spain, and when we first saw just a few photos of this mare as a yearling, we knew we wanted her in our breeding program. Her beauty is legendary, and combined with movement that blew us away, she was the whole package we were looking for in a double dilute brood mare. My eyes water up with pride when I look at her. Imported at 1.5 years old, she has matured into the stunning mare we envisioned. She is tall, beautiful, and a movement machine, with a loving temperament that makes her so special. She loves her humans.
She will be bred at 4 years old for the first time, we believe in allowing our young mares to mature before breeding them. Sire is yet to be determined, and will be chosen very carefully according to our strict requirements.
Duquesa is imported from Spain, and when we first saw just a few photos of this mare as a yearling, we knew we wanted her in our breeding program. Her beauty is legendary, and combined with movement that blew us away, she was the whole package we were looking for in a double dilute brood mare. My eyes water up with pride when I look at her. Imported at 1.5 years old, she has matured into the stunning mare we envisioned. She is tall, beautiful, and a movement machine, with a loving temperament that makes her so special. She loves her humans.
She will be bred at 4 years old for the first time, we believe in allowing our young mares to mature before breeding them. Sire is yet to be determined, and will be chosen very carefully according to our strict requirements.
Campanero P Born: July 11, 2001
Urgel III x Hacendosa MAC
Destinada P Born: July 31, 2002
Urgel III x Hacendosa MAC
Read about her under Testimonials
Euforica P Born: August 4, 2003
Urgel III x Hacendosa MAC
Financiero P Born: Sept. 5, 2004
Urgel III x Hacendosa MAC
Galiciano PRO Born: Sept. 18, 2005
Urgel III x Hacendosa MAC
Hacendoso PRO Born: Aug. 24, 2006
Urgel III x Hacendosa MAC
Ilustrado PRO Born: Aug. 3, 2007
Urgel III x Hacendosa MAC
Jubilosa PRO Born: July 21, 2008
Urgel III x Hacendosa MAC
Lancera PRO Born: April 8, 2010
Urgel III x Hacendosa MAC
Mariscala PRO Born April 13, 2011
Romerito II x Hacendosa MAC
Neapolitana PRO
Born: April 20, 2012
Luna Eclipse BMR x Imperiosa PRO
Click photos to enlarge & open slide show
We first saw Historica in Spain when she was barely over one year old. She was a very curious, beautiful, tall filly. When we saw her movement, which is simply amazing, we knew we wanted her in our small but elite breeding program.
Historica loves her people, and she comes running across the pasture when she sees us. She loves to have all the attention, and does not like to share us with her equine friends. She is easy going, and loves playing with the other horses also. She was imported from Spain together with Duquesa, and they still share a very close friendship. She also has another best friend, one of the older mares in the herd, and often times I will find her in a stall with the old mare and Duquesa, sometimes some of the other mares squeeze in with them as well.
We bought her to cross with our Multiple National, Regional, and National Reserve Champion stallion, Jalisco Dominante. We will not breed her until she is 4 years old, as we want to allow all our young mares time to mature. We are excited about the future offspring these 2 will produce, and will be offering the offspring for sale. Sadly, we can’t keep all of the foals we produce, and we are thrilled to be offering our high quality PRE’s to the discriminating buyer, and a chance to acquire an animal with rare imported lines from Spain.